Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation


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Carpathian Connects

INTERREG –IPA CBC România- Serbia


Program de dezvoltare a resurselor umane din cadrul entitatilor Retelei Nationale pentru Inovare si Transfer Tehnologic (ReNITT) in domeniul managementului in vederea eficientizarii procesului de transfer tehnologic

POSDRU 2007-2013

Dezvoltarea capacitatii ANCS de elaborare a politicilor publice in domeniul inovarii si al transferului tehnologic pentru asigurarea unei dezvoltari socio-economice durabile.

27.05.2011- 26.11.2012

Wine Way

Ro-Bg CBC Programme 2007-2013

Project MIS ETC Code 199

Partener principal

Project MIS ETC Code 199

Project title: "Wine Way"
Cross Border Cooperation Programme Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013
Priority 3: ?Economic development and social cohesion by joint identification and enhancement of the area?s comparative advantages"

Key area of intervention 1: - Support for cross-border business cooperation and promotion of a regional image and identity

LP - A.R.o.T.T. (The Romanian Association for Technological Transfer and Innovation), Romania
P2 - University of Craiova, Faculty of Horticulture, Romania
P3 - Balkan Civic Coalition, Belogradchik, Bulgaria
P4 - Agency For Regional Development And Business Centre 2000 (ARDBC 2000) Montana, Bulgaria
P5 - National Center for Information Service, Pleven, Bulgaria

OVERALL OBJECTIVE: Sustainable economic development of the region Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Belogradchik, Montana, Pleven through promotion of opportunities in the field of viticulture and services adjacent to attract foreign investors.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE:Identifying and promoting opportunities from the wine-growing domain and services in the adjacent cross border region Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Belogradchik, Montana, Pleven through specific measures and means.


  • 200 SMEs and private producers from industry from cross border area
  • 500 SMEs from adjacent services of the viticulture industry from cross border region
  • the local and regional authorities from cross border area
  • theentire population from Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Belogradchik, Montana, Pleven cross border area


  1. Study "Identification of potential development in the cross border area for wine-growing". The study will be a database by fields (producers, processors, traders and industry stakeholdres) with evidence the opportunities for business and tourism developing, opportunities for adaptation of the vine from Romania at the Bulgarian border area and vine from Bulgaria at the Romanian corder area. Also, the study will identify a tourist route "Wine Way" in the Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Belogradchik, Momtana, Pleven area.
  2. Study: The strategy for promotion of wine products in Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Belogradchik, Montana, Pleven region on the European Union market. This study will made a common strategy at the level of Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Belogradchik, Montana, Pleven region for the promotion of the vine and wine cross border products on the European Union markets.
  3. Making the portal to promote wine industry and support industries in the cross border region of Romania and Bulgaria. The portal will include 1 soft development for The interactive map and GPS position of the vine and wine objectives and adjacent services (growers of vine, foreign investors, processors, traders, hotels, restaurants with specific, tourist route "Wine Way") and 1 soft for simultaneous translation for interactive map and GPS position.
  4. Meeting?s (seminars) addressed to the representatives of SME?s from the wine industry (4 seminar). The 4 seminars are aimed at SMEs representative of vine and wine industry and adjacent services. Within these seminars will be presented to participants the main trends of development of the wine industry and opportunities to promote products at the cross border and the European levels).
  5. The organization of 2 economic missions for the SME?s from wine industry. In the economic mission, it will be made visits to the locations of development of vine and wine objectives of the Bulgarian and Romanian entrepreneurs participants, followed by discussions on the possibilities of cooperation in vine and wine industry.
  6. The organization of 2 events a workshop and a brokerage for the producers and the merchants from the wine industry. The 2 workshop are aimed at SMEs representative of vine and wine industry and adjacent services. Through these workshops, participants will be able to get some contact with others, will be able to conclude new partnerships and will be trained to develop knowledge and skills in business development.
  7. A Cross-border Conference: ?Viticulture and adjacent services in the cross border region ? constraints and opportunities". The conference will have main subject the possibility of development of vine and wine industry on the 2 sides of the Danube.
  8. Exhibition - brokerage "Good practice in the viticulture region from the cross border area Romania - Bulgaria". The applicant and the partners will identify most representative businesses vine, wine and adjacent services and will invite them at the exhibition, for promote their products and services.
  9. In the exhibition and catalogue ?Good practice in the viticulture region from the cross border area Romania - Bulgaria" where there will be presented 20 firms from the cross border region active in the field of viticulture and adjacent services. Will be presented the mains 20 companies from the Romanian-Bulgarian cross border region from the viticulture field and adjacent services.
  10. Guide ?Best cross border practices in the viticulture domain in the cross border region". The Guide will be presented adapted varieties of vine from Bulgarian-Romanian cross border, marketing solutions for wine products - the expansion of market outlets; constraints and opportunities in the vineyard, the possibility of accessing European funds for initiating and developing business in the wine field, advanced technologies to maximize potential vineyard.
  11. Wine Museum (Craiova) - Preliminary (feasibility study), documentation on obtaining the certificate of planning, documentation and advice for getting agreements on the project authorization for construction, project technical details of execution. Through this pilots initiative The ?Wine and Vine Museum" will include a large collection of wines, from the oldest ones until the present wines, on the two shores of the Danube, thus being able to include cross-border region Romania-Bulgaria in a European tourist circuit.
  12. Pilot project ? Sort of grape in the cross border region Romania ? Bulgaria ? the plant of 5 ha of Romanian grape in the region Pleven ? Bulgaria. The Laboratory for preservation and multiplication of wine and vine resources" will have its place and key role in preserving the genes heritage and multiplication of grapes cultivars for producers, thus offering the opportunity to obtain quality wines, with cultivated origin name, a category much appreciated by consumers.
  13. Promotion campaingn. Promotion campaign will take place across the borders and will include 2 press conference, 1 movie promotion, 4 TV emission (2 in Romania and in Bulgaria 2), 4 radio emission (2 in Romania and 2 in Bulgaria) printing of 1000 leaflets to promote the project (500 ro and 500 bg, 1000 leaflets for promote ?Wine way" route, 400 posters (200 ro and 200 bg), 4 banners, 1000 maps with ?Wine way" thematic routes (500 ro and 500 bg).
  14. 1 Promotion movie ?Wine way - successfull way". The movie will present the main entrepreneurs in the field of viticulture from Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Belogradchik, Montana, Pleven cross border area (growers of vine, foreign investors, processors, traders, hotels, restaurants with specific, tourist route "Wine Way".


  1. 1 Finalized study "Identification of potential development of the vine-wine industry from cross borders area"
  2. 1 Study ?Strategy for promotion of wine products from the Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Belogradchik, Montana, Pleven cross border area on the European Union market"
  3. 1 Guide "Best practices in vine and wine from Romanian-Bulgarian cross-border area ".
  4. 1 Promotion movie ?Wine way - successfull way".
  5. 1 portal to promote vine and wine industry and adjacent industries from Romanian-Bulgarian cross border
  6. 4 seminars for SMEs from viticulture industry (80 participants ? 40 ro and 40 bg)
  7. Organization of 2 events type workshops and brokerage for producers and traders from the wine industry (40 participants ? 20 ro and 20 bg)
  8. 2 economic missions for SMEs from the wine industry (40 participants ? 20 ro and 20 bg)
  9. 1 Regional Conference "Viticulture and adjacent services in the cross border area - constraints and opportunities" (35 participants ? 20 ro and 15 bg)
  10. 1 cross border exhibition "Best practice in viticulture industry from Romanian-Bulgarian cross border" (35 exhibitors ? 20 ro and 15 bg and 200 visitors)
  11. 1 Exhibition catalog "Best practice in viticulture industry from Romanian-Bulgarian cross border"
  12. 1 Pilot initiative of planning and infrastructure designs ?Wine and Vine Museum from Romanian-Bulgarian cross border area"
  13. 1 Pilot initiative of planning and infrastructure designs of ?Laboratory for preservation and multiplication of wine and vine resources from Romanian-Bulgarian cross border area. Pilot Vineyard."
  14. 1 Promotion campaign



Piata Muncii de la A la Z - Regiunea S-V Oltenia


22.09.2010 - 21.03.2012

Turismul tematic transfrontalier - oportunitate de dezvoltare si promovare a identitatii regiunii Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Vidin, Montana, Vraca, Pleven (2(2i)-3.1-14)

Ro-Bg CBC Programme 2007-2013

21.09.2010 - 20.09.2010

Prevenirea pentru siguranta in traficul rutier in zona transfrontaliera (2(2i)-3.3-8)

Ro-Bg CBC Programme 2007-2013

23.07.2010 - 22.10.2011

Strategia regionala transfrontaliera pentru inovare: povestea a doua regiuni, o singura strategie pentru a apropia industria de cercetare si inovare (2-3.1-8)

Ro-Bg CBC Programme 2007-2013

23.07.2010 - 22.10.2011

Energii regenerabile - instrument pentru prevenirea si combaterea schimbarilor clomatice, crestere economica si bunastare sociala. (1-2.1-7)

Ro-Bg CBC Programme 2007-2013

26.06.2010 - 25.12.2011

Sprijinirea cooperarii transfrontaliere in mediul de afaceri si promovarea identitatii regiunii Dolj-Olt-Pleven-Vidin-Montana (1-3.1-10)

Ro-Bg CBC Programme 2007-2013

25.06.2010 - 24.09.2011

Centre de informare Pleven-Craiova-Slatina, punte de legatura intre cele doua tari (2-3.1-5)

Ro-Bg CBC Programme 2007-2013

21-04-2010 - 20.10.2011

Imbunatatirea cooperarii transfrontaliere in domeniul turismului si cresterea numarului produselor turistice comune regiunilor Pleven si Dolj (1-3.1-6)

Programul de Cooperare Transfrontaliera Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013

Partener principal

Model si program informatic de analiza si evaluare a competitivitatii regiunilor de dezvoltare (ANEVCORED)

Model si program informatic pentru determinarea gradului de inovare la nivelul regiunilor de dezvoltare (INNOREG)

1-07-2009 - 31-11-2010

Promovarea culturii antreprenoriale - conditie esentiala a cresterii inovarii si dezvoltarii afacerilor in Regiunea Oltenia

POSDRU 2007-2013


Promovarea competenţelor şi iniţiativelor antreprenoriale pentru iniţierea de afaceri sustenabile şi competitive pe piaţa europeană - SMART START

POSDRU 2007-2013

News & Events

ARoTT a primit Best Technology IP Consultancy – Romania din partea AI Global Media Ltd, U.S.A, filial UK.

Romania Inoveaza - Dezvoltarea capacităţii ANCS de elaborare a politicilor publice în domeniul inovării şi al transferului tehnologic pentru asigurarea unei dezvoltări socio-economice durabile

Romania Inoveaza
